Artist Statement: Exploring the concepts and ideology that binds society forces one to observe all that separates us as human beings. Observing the paths carved into the land by society we cannot ignore the glaring truth that everything is connected regardless of how much we feel divided. The fences we build, the roads we lay, and trails we blaze serve as place markers in both time and a human mediated history. The structures we build reflect the land which we preserve unto ourselves and that we have forgotten, if not mistreated or laid waste.
I walk the edge lands to escape this world that haunts my every step. Dreamlands once were a respite in my youth, but those aspired to spaces have long been replaced by fears of societal conventions. When my dreams grew dark, and the edge lands grew cold I found places in which I could see clearly and most importantly a place that fear could not touch me; I found art there, well, art found me?